Theo Charusi
This student faced with finding work & being a STAR fan ….
Theo’s story
Theo Charusi, a 22-year-old senior majoring in science and technology at Stanford University, said he experiences probably “more pressure than the average student.”
“Nothing’s open, or things are barely open, and nobody’s hiring,” Mr. Charusi said, “so you have to get creative to find ways to make money.”
When his campus library job went away, Mr. Charusi went to work for the online platform Stache, which he calls an “Airbnb for storage,” which was started a few years ago by a friend of a friend.
The platform connects people looking for affordable storage with others who rent out parts of their homes or garages for storage space. Since his mother lost her job in food services, he has been sending $800 a month back home, where she cares for his two siblings, who are 4 and 8.
“It’s stressful,” he said, “but I feel like a lot of people are in even worse positions, so I’m lucky in the sense that I got the opportunity I have.”